Types of Tax


(A)      Direct Tax :- A tax which is paid by a person on whom it is legally imposed and the burden of which cannot be shifted to any other person is called a direct tax. In other words, the person from whom it is collected cannot shift its burden to anybody eise. Thus, the impact i.e. the intial of first burden, and the incidence i.e. the ultimate burden of direct tax is on the same person. The tax payer is the tax bearer.

For eg. :- Income tax is a direct tax.

Merits of Direct Taxation :-

1.        Equity :- Direct taxes like income tax, wealth tax etc. are based on the principle of equity (ability to pay) since they are charged according to the level of income of the tax payer.

2.        Economical :- The principle of economy is also well maintained under direct taxation. Direct taxes being collected annually in lump sum, the administrative cost of such collection will be minimum as compared to the indirect taxes like sales tax, excise duties, etc. Which are collected at short intervals (usually quaterly) and which involve high cost of collection. Further chances of tax, evasion are also minimised in direct tax when they are collected at sources.

3.        Elastic And Productive :- Direct taxes are elastic and productive. Revenue from direct taxes will also increase in income of the people.

4.        Inequalities Reduced :- The rich are called upon to pay higher taxes so as to bridge the gap between the have and have-notes.

5.        Certainly :- There is a good deal of certainly in the direct taxes. The amount of tax, the time of tax etc., art certain and fixed in the case of direct taxes. Therefore, direct taxes are convenient from the view point of tax payers.

6.        Civic Consciousness :- Direct taxes have an educative value as they create a civic sense among the tax payers. Citizens realise their duty to pay taxes and because of the direct burden of taxes they become conscious and keep vigii on how the public income is spent by the government in a democratic country, i.e. it develops the responsibility among the tax payers.

Demerits :-

1.        Pinching :- Since direct taxes are to be paid in a lump sum this pinch the tax payers more. It causes tension to the tax payers.

2.        Evasion And Corruption :- Since the assessment of direct taxes depends upon the voluntary declaration of the tax payers about his income wealth etc., there is great scope for tax evasion by cocealing real income. Thus, in fact under direct taxation, honesty is taxed while dishonesty is rewarded. Tax evasion is effect leads to corruption also.

3.        Narrow Base :- Direct taxes are levied on a small portion of the population of the country. It means a large section of masses remains untouched i.e. since their income is below the margin escape taxes.

4.        Arbitarary :- The nature and base of direct taxes are arbitrarity decided by the Finance Minister (Government). They used their own judgements in determining the taxation potential of the tax payer. There is no scientific base for evolving the mode of gradation and progression in direct taxation.

5.        Dis-Incentiveness :- Direct taxes being based on income and wealth, if they are excessive ma discourage savings and kills the incentive to work hard.

(B)      Indirect Tax :- An indirect tax on the other hand, is a tax the burden of which can be shifted to others. Thus, the impact and incidence of indirect taxes are on different persons. In other words, indirect taxes are those taxes who's initial burdenor impact is on one person but he succeeds in shifting the burden to another person. Hence in the case of indirect taxes, the tax payer is not the tax bearer. Commodity taxes are generally indirect taxes as they are imposed on the producers or sellers, but their incidence fails upon the consumers as such taxes are wrapped up on the prices.

Merits Of Indirect Tax :-

1.        Convenient :- Indirect taxes are more convenient to pay. These taxes, generally being commodities are wrapped up in prices hencethe tax-payer does not feel the burden           directly.

2.        Less Pinching :- The announcement effect on indirect taxes does not provoke resentment, because they cause less annoyance to the public as they ae not felt directly. The main merit of an indirect tax is that it pinches the tax payer less as he is kept in the dark about how much-tax he has paid on his total purchases.

3.        Not Easily Evadable :- Indirect taxes are difficult to evade as they are usually merged with  prices.

4.        Broad Base :- Indirect tax are charged on commodity and thus has a broader scope than direct taxes. The low income state of society which are exempt from direct taxes are easily caught in the net of taxation through indirect taxes to undergo the sacrifice according to their ability to pay.

5.        Easy To Collect :- This type of tax is easy to collect since these are added in the price of the goods and is paid by an individual at the time of purchase of the commodity.

6.        Social Welfare :- Heavy indirect taxes on harmful commodities such as intoxicants, tobacco etc. serve to improve social morale and public health as the consumption of such commodities are  against the interest of the community.

Demerits of Indirect Tax :-

1.        Unjust And Regressive In Nature :- Indirect taxes are inequitable because they fall on all persons. It is charged at a proportional rate on commodities of general consumption and their burden falls more heavily upon the poor sections of the people. They are not levied according to the principle of ability to pay.

2.        Uncertainly :- These taxes are uncertain since the revenue to the government from these taxes depends on many factors, that is demand for goods, volume of production etc.

3.        Uneconomical :- These taxes are not based on the principle of economy. Much expenditure has to be incurred on their collection.

4.        No Civic Consciousness :- These taxes do not inculcate public spirit because these taxes are hidden in the price and the tax payer cannot know the real price of the commodityd and the tax levied on it.

5.        Discourages Saving :- Indirect taxes discourages savings when the people have to spend more with a rise in the prices of commodities.


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