Money Market | Concept of Money Market


            Finance is the integral part of modern business and life-blood of all economic activities. The financial system of a country works through a set of financial markets and financial institution. Financial markets are those which deal in financial assets and credit instruments of different types such as currency, cheques, bill bonds, bank deposits, hundies etc. Financial market is essence in the credit market. The main functions of financial markets are:-

i.          To facilitate creation and allocation of credit and liquidity.

ii.         To serve as intermediaries in the process of mobilization of saving in the economy.

iii.        To assist the process of economic development through a more balanced regional and sector wise distribution of investible funds, and

iv. To provide financial convenience to the people.

Categories or kinds of Financial market:-

The financial markets are broadly divided into the following two major categories:-

Money Market, Capital Market.



            The term money market refers to the totality of financial institutions which deal with short term funds in the economy . These financial institutions advance to the needy borrowers only short-term funds to meet their requirements. The money market brings together the lenders (who have surplus short-term investible funds) and the borrowers (who are in need of short-term credits). The borrowers in the money markets are generally merchants, brokers, manufacturers, speculators and even government institutions. The lenders in the money market, on the other hand, are commercial banks, institution  companies, non-bank financial concerns and the central banks of the country. Thus, the money market represents the country's pool of short- term investible funds to meet the short-term requirements of the economy.

            The money market it should be remembered deals only with short-term funds. In a money market, funds can be borrowed for short periods varying from a day, a week, a month or 3 to 6 months against different types of securities, such as bills of exchange, banker's acceptance, bonds etc.

            The money market does not refer to a particular place where money is borrowed and lent by the parties concerned. It is not necessary for the borrowers and the lenders to establish personal contract with each other at some definite place. In fact, personal contact between the borrowers and the lender is not even necessary for the purpose of negotiation. The borrowers and the lenders may carry on negotiations through mail or on the telephone. Anyways, personal presence of the two parties is not essential for completing financial transactions in the money market.


            Money market refers to the institutional arrangements dealing with the short-term borrowing and lending of funds. It is a short term credit market which deals with the relatively liquid and quickly marketable assets, like short-term government securities, treasury bills of exchange.


            According to The Reserve Bank of India" The money market is the centre for dealing mainly of a short-term character; in monetary assets it meets the short term requirements of borrowers and provides liquidity or cash to the lenders."

            According to Crowther, "Money market is collective name given to the various forms and institutions that deal with the various grades of near-money."

            The term money market may be distinguished from the term 'Capital Market'. The money market as pointed out above, deals only with short term finances,the capital market on the other hand, deals with long-term funds. Through the functions of the two markets are different, yet they  may be closely related with each other. In fact, there may be some sort of overlapping between the two markets. The financial institutions at least some of them may be common to both the markets. In other words, such institutions may be dealing with both short-term as well as long-term finances. But, broadly speaking, commercial banks concern themselves with long-term funds.

Post by:- Akshay Shivankar

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