Importance of Public Finance

            Public finance plays important role mainly in the following :-

1.        Economic Growth :- Fiscal policy plays an important role for the development of the economy by ensuring money supply in required sectors. Thus, the basic objective of public finance in a less developing economy is to promote and accelerate economic growth through capital formation. With the help of the indispensable tool of public revenue under the public finance, public expenditure is incurred for maximisation of national product, output and infrastructure development.

2.        Optimum Use Of Finance :- The policy of public finance ensures that public capital and revenue is utilised ina n optimum manner. Thus, it avoids wastage of scares capital resources. The policies should be designed to encourage the flow of investment into socially desirable channels which are in conformity with the principles of social marginal productivity.

3.        Reduction In Inequalities Of Income And Wealth :- Tools of public expenditure advocate the policy of equitable distribution of income and wealth. For the same the rich are taxed more and the surplus is distributed among the poor.

 4.       Generation Of Employment :- This is an important principles of public finance. It helps in generating adequte employment and increases the standard of living. In developing countries the Goverment achieve this by encouraging private enterprise, village and small scale industries in the rural areas, increasing public expenditure on economic and social overheads, and undertaking family planning programmes to control the growing population.

5.        Economic Stability :- The policy of public finance promotes economic stability in the economic by ensuring the correct supply of money in the economy and avoiding inflationary and deflationary tendencies. Increasing taxes on luxuries and decrease in public expenditure can redue money supply sufficeint to combat inflationary tendencies. Similarily, reduction in taxes and increase in money supply can meet the deflationary challenges. 

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